You may not think much of bleeding gums when flossing or brushing your teeth. Nonetheless, bleeding gums, especially if this happens, could signify an underlying health condition.

Gums can bleed for a variety of reasons. You may notice that your gums are bleeding if you brush your teeth very vigorously. Or if you have suffered a mouth injury. Bleeding gums can also be caused by pregnancy and inflammation. Flossing and brushing your teeth may feel tender and red if your gums are swollen. This might indicate periodontal diseases, such as periodontitis or gingivitis. These diseases can develop when plaque is not properly removed from your teeth.

Determine the reason for your bleeding gums. Once you know what is causing bleeding gums, your dentist will give the proper treatment. Once you know the reason for your bleeding gums, you can choose one of these five options to resolve the issue.

Practice Oral Hygiene Regularly

Poor oral hygiene can contribute to bleeding gums. For example, if more plaque you have along your gum line, the more likely you are to develop gum disease. A plaque is a sticky, bacteria-filled substance that adheres to the gums and teeth. If you don’t brush and floss enough, the bacteria will spread and cause tooth decay or gum disease.

It is important to brush twice a day and floss once a day to improve your oral hygiene. Maintaining a regular oral hygiene regimen is very important for pregnant women. As a result of hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, bleeding gums and gum disease can happen. Pregnant women need to do regular checkups of their teeth.

Rinsing With Diluted Hydrogen Peroxide

You can use hydrogen peroxide to disinfect your teeth and for whitening them. Rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide to keep your gums healthy. It can also help remove plaque and prevent bleeding. After brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth with diluted hydrogen peroxide. This will help stop bleeding gums, but be careful not to swallow them.

A condition known as gingivitis causes the gums to swell, bleed, and recede. Ninety-nine subjects took part in a study in which hydrogen peroxide mouthwash was given to treat gingivitis. Researchers found that the group that used hydrogen peroxide experienced less gum inflammation. As compared to the group that did not.

Stop Smoking

As well as increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer, smoking also leads to lung disease. According to the CDC, one of the major causes of gum disease in the U.S. is smoking. In addition to weakening the immune system, smoking can cause plaque bacteria to cause gum disease. Smoking can also contribute to bad breath.

Your gums will heal and stop bleeding if you stop smoking. If you’re having trouble quitting, speak with your dentist or doctor.

Reduce Your Stress

According to one study, stress and periodontal disease go hand in hand. Studies have found stress to harm the immune system. Your body will have a harder time fighting off a gum infection as a result. It will be necessary to do more research to determine the amount of stress leading to gum disease.

Some people are also more likely to neglect their oral health when stressed, leading to plaque buildup. Yoga and meditation are effective ways to relieve stress and improve mental health.

Increase Your Vitamin C Intake

Vitamin C can help you fight off gum diseases that can cause bleeding gums. Vitamin C helps do this by strengthening your immune system.

Not getting enough vitamin C could worsen gum bleeding if you have gum disease. If you don’t get enough vitamin C, you may experience bleeding gums, even with good oral hygiene.

Sweet potatoes, carrots, oranges, and red peppers are good sources of vitamin C.

It might be a good idea to talk with your dentist about vitamin C supplements. The antioxidant properties of this vitamin protect the gum lining and strengthen connective tissues. Vitamin C intake should range between 65 milligrams and 90 milligrams per day.


To ensure your teeth and gums remain healthy, you can practice proper oral hygiene. Visit your dentist to ensure you do not have bleeding gums. The dentist can perform procedures and care needed to treat these conditions. Besides, you will prevent teeth and gums from getting infected and decayed.