Have you ever wondered how often it is advisable to change the toothbrush? For many people, it is not clear. Changing your toothbrush when due is the best way to prevent bacteria from building up.

Why do you have to change your toothbrush regularly?

We know how important it is to take care of our oral health and maintain good oral hygiene daily. But how many times do we worry about taking proper care of our toothbrushes? Many people have never stopped to think about this issue which, contrary to what it may seem, is not a minor issue. A toothbrush is a tool that we use every day in cleaning teeth and keep plaque and bacteria at bay. 

Many people do not know that using an old toothbrush does our dental health no favor. An average toothbrush contains at least 10 million bacteria on its bristles. This is due to the hundreds of species of bacteria that live in our mouths. We also have a lot of micro-organisms in the bathroom where we keep our toothbrushes. A bathroom is a place in the house with the highest humidity. Here it can also become contaminated by fecal bacteria from the toilet.

As we replace spoiled food worn or torn clothes, we must know when to replace our toothbrushes. Many factors affect why and when to retire our used toothbrushes. 

When do you have to change your toothbrush?

You should not overlook the maintenance of your toothbrushes. And for this, it is necessary to know how to store it in the best way and how often we should change the toothbrush. The maintenance of our toothbrushes is a vital part of our oral hygiene. 

It is necessary to replace your toothbrush over time as the bristles deteriorate. The most evident consequence is that brushing is no longer as effective. You do not have to wait until you have a broken toothbrush or when it becomes deteriorated to change it.

Another thing we do not usually think about is that germs can hide and store on toothbrush bristles. Because of this, you have to change your toothbrush after you have had a cold. This is to prevent possible re-infection. Bacteria and fungi can also grow on the toothbrush bristles if they are not cared for or kept well. 

Most dentists recommend changing of toothbrush every three to four months. But you can change it when you see that you have worn or curved toothbrush bristles.

How to know if it’s time to change your toothbrush

You do not have to wait for this recommended time to pass. If you notice that you have worn a toothbrush before the recommended 3 or 4 months, the time has come to change it!

If you brush very vigorously and often bite the bristles, your toothbrush will likely deteriorate sooner than expected. Also, wearing braces or other dental prostheses can wear toothbrushes. You will know it is time to change your toothbrush when you notice flattened or twisted bristles. Broken brushes and those that have lost firmness when brushing also need immediate replacement.

What happens when you don’t change your brush when it’s time?

You need to change your toothbrush often because the toothbrush accumulates bacteria that could harm you. Over time, the bristles of toothbrushes give way. Keep in mind to replace it every three months or when the brush loses its effectiveness. Fungus and bacteria can build up on your toothbrush bristles when you do not replace your toothbrush. 

Aside from this, other unattractive risks are associated with not replacing your toothbrush. One of the most significant risks is gum damage. This often results from the ineffectiveness of old toothbrushes in removing teeth plaque. Gum damage can lead to gingivitis. And when left untreated, it can result in more severe infection, leading to tooth loss.

Also, you can get infected or become sick from overusing toothbrushes. Your toothbrush can grow molds or ingest unwanted substances if stored in or near a toilet.

If you have been sick, should you change my toothbrush?

It is important to know you have to change the toothbrush after a cold, flu, or any infectious type of illness. This will prevent the germs that have caused the disease from entering the body again. Do not forget that the bristles of toothbrushes accumulate a lot of micro-organisms. You should note that these do not die by washing the brush with hot water alone. The best thing to avoid getting sick again is to change your toothbrush as soon as you have recovered.

Why is it essential to change your toothbrush often?

Using old toothbrushes can result in transmitting viruses like flu between family members. Changing your toothbrush when due is essential to avoid such periodontal infections. The toothbrush’s bristles are, in fact, a receptacle for germs, fungi, and bacteria. For this reason, it is advisable to change the toothbrush after any flu, cold, or oral cavity infection. This is to avoid a relapse of the infection.

Also, you need to change your toothbrush when due to maintain the efficiency of dirt and germs removal from the teeth over time. It is advisable after teeth brushing to rinse the toothbrush under running water. You should keep your toothbrush in an upright position without the cover to dry faster. This helps to reduce bacterial proliferation between the bristles.

After use, store it away from other used toothbrushes. When you travel, be sure to cover the head of your toothbrush to protect it and reduce the spread of germs. You can also go with a new brush. 

You should pay attention to the condition of the toothbrush head. If the toothbrush has worn, spread out, or frayed bristles, you need to replace it. Also, if you notice dark color changes, which is a sign of mold, you must change immediately.


In conclusion, to keep your teeth and mouth as healthy as possible, it is essential to have good oral hygiene. Oral hygiene includes using appropriate dental tools. Replacement of old, frayed toothbrushes is also one of them. 


Change your toothbrush, toothbrush bristles, replace your toothbrush, brush your teeth, toothbrush head.