Healthy teeth and gums are essential for kids. Parents love seeing their kids have good oral health. But, when your child results in sobs and tears during check-ups, you have to do something.


It might be because they have dental anxiety. Thus, helping your kids get over that fear is the best thing to do.


So, how do you help your kid overcome dental anxiety? We will list some helpful tips in this article.


What is Dental Anxiety in Kids?


Dental anxiety is the fear or anxiety related to dental visits. It can be caused by them seeing or hearing about the drills and needles used. Besides, some kids also get anxious by hearing about dental procedures.


If your kid has dental anxiety, you can notice symptoms like sweating, fainting, panic, crying and aggression.


Children with dental anxiety can come up with excuses to miss their appointments. They can also miss routines regardless of whether they are regular check-ups or complex ones.


A traumatic dental experience can cause dental anxiety. Or even the smell and environment of the dental clinic can cause it.


8 Tips on How to Deal With Dental Anxiety in Kids


Many dentists understand how kids react and feel while on appointments. But, what about the parents?


Well, it’s the best feeling when you know how to deal with your kid’s anxiety. But if you don’t, make sure to check out the below tips!


1. Consider Early Age Visits


Visit the dentist with your kid while they are still young. It can be as early as the first tooth comes out. It will familiarize them with the dental clinic environment.


Also, it will help them build trust with the doctors and nurses. Try and get the dentist to perform simple practices on your child.


You can also document their visits by taking pictures and videos of them.  Showing them these photos can increase their confidence.


2. Be Simple


Don’t overwhelm your kid with many details. Instead, you can tell them the necessary information. Like, who you are going to meet and why.


Your child doesn’t need to know the history of dentistry. Some parents take the wrong path of over-explaining details. Remember, it can overwhelm the kid, causing anxiety.


What’s more, you can teach them to use hand signals to communicate discomfort and pain.


You can explain to them why it is essential to visit the dentist. Besides, make sure they feel that you’ll be with them throughout the check-up.


3. Talk Positive


Use the right words that your child can comprehend. Like, “we are going to check if your teeth are ready for the tooth fairy”. Or “we are going to count your teeth”.


Telling your child the visit will be long and painful will have them restless. Moreover, talking about painful shots can spike their anxiety further.


That will automatically put them in defence mode. Thus, ensure whatever you tell your kids don’t trigger negative influence.


4. Look for a Child-Friendly Clinic


It is essential to ensure the clinic environment. It should be calming. Thus, go for a dental clinic that supports children. Moreover, the staff should know how to handle anxious kids.


If you notice your dentist isn’t paying attention to your kid’s needs, search for another one. Many dental clinics specialize in children’s dentistry.


A dentist can understand the waves of emotions kids have while at the dental clinic. They know how to work through that. As a parent, you should trust the dentist.


A clinic with toys, storybooks and cartoon paintings will attract the kid. They will consider the dental clinic as a fun place.


5. Motivate Your Kid


Let your kids have you as a teacher. Teach them how to brush and floss.


Kids mostly pick up good habits from parents. So, allow them to observe you. You can use encouraging words while teaching them. You can say something like, “you did a good job on brushing your teeth”.


Above all, you must avoid telling them how they are doing wrong things. Instead, ask them to continue practising.


6. Avoid Bribe-Rewards


Firstly, make sure you avoid the bribe-reward system, like sweets and toys. Of course, you can offer them gifts upon doing a great job.


But you can also talk about the importance of dental check-ups without bribing.


That’s because bribing will lead them to expect a reward after every routine. When there is no bribe in place, the kid will avoid completing the task.


Instead, assure them of having healthy teeth and bright smiles after the check-up. Kids do their best when there is a goal in mind.


7. Be Confident


Your child can sense how you feel. Kids feel emotions, from the way you carry yourself to what you say.


Thus, you can help your kid stay calm by being calm. Your attitude towards the dentist will depict how your kid will feel about the dentist. So, put your trust in the dentist.


You can also take your kid during your dentist visit. Then show them the result. Only do this if you are confident in how you’ll act in front of your child.


8. Cultivate the Right Habits


Parents can help kids learn good dental habits. It includes habits like brushing teeth daily, cleaning the mouth with water, etc. Your kid should understand the importance of good oral care.


You can use a Kids toothbrush since it has an attractive design. These toothbrushes look like toys. Thus, your kids can have fun holding them.


Final Thoughts!


That’s it! Curing dental anxiety is essential. If it goes unattended, it might lead to your kid avoiding the dentist in future. The longer they avoid dental care, the worse their oral health will be.


Supporting your child is the way to go. Make sure you boost kids’ confidence when they go on dental appointments. You have to do it with a lot of patience.


What’s more, remember to instil good habits in your children. Let them understand the value of dental hygiene and check-ups. You can use kids toothbrushes and other kid-friendly products.


As a result, dental visits can become a fun activity to do. Well, if not a fun activity, it can at least become a normal thing to do.