Do you want to improve your oral health? If yes, you should do a lot more than brush your teeth. Using oral products like mouthwash can keep your breath fresh and prevent gum disease and other oral health conditions.

Whether you are new to mouthwash or have been using it for a while, you are likely going to have some questions about how it works and how to get the most out of it. This article sheds light on basically everything you need to know about mouthwash.

What exactly is mouthwash?

Mouthwash, which is also known as oral rinse, is a product that can help address bad breath and eliminate harmful bacteria in your mouth. Mouthwash contains antimicrobial ingredients that can kill bacteria that cause thrush, herpangina, and gingivitis.

Granted, mouthwash is effective at eliminating bacteria and bad breath, but it isn’t a replacement for brushing and flossing. Oral experts recommend brushing twice daily to remove food remains, plaque, and the bulk of bacteria lingering in your gum and teeth. Using mouthwash after brushing your teeth will not only improve your oral health but also keep your breath fresh longer.

Presently, there are different types of mouthwash on the market. While they all share the same name, they aren’t made for the exact same purpose. For example, there is mouthwash designed specifically to address only bad breath. Others contain fluoride and a few other ingredients that can help tackle oral health issues. A 2007 study found that using mouthwash that contains fluoride can help prevent and address cavities.

How effective is mouthwash

Since all mouthwash on the market doesn’t have the same ingredients, they won’t work the same way. So before choosing among them it is wise that you first consult an expert.

If you are new to mouthwash, you may wonder if it really works. Multiple studies have shown just how effective it is. For example, a 2010 study conducted in Scotland found that mouthwash can help treat the symptoms of swollen gum and gum disease.

Mouthwash can address bacterial-related oral issues and bad breath because it contains ingredients like eucalyptol, menthol, and alcohol. Since mouthwash is a liquid product, it can easily enter hard-to-reach areas in the mouth.

Types of mouthwash

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) categorized mouthwash into two distinct groups- therapeutic mouthwash and cosmetic mouthwash. Below is an overview of them.

 Cosmetic mouthwash

This is an over-the-counter oral product that helps to control only bad breath. While it leaves a pleasant aftertaste, it is worth noting that its effects are short-lived. Cosmetic mouthwash doesn’t contain active ingredients that can help address everything from cavities to gingivitis.

Many dentists are skeptical about recommending cosmetic mouthwash because it doesn’t improve our oral health. It only freshens our breath for a couple of minutes.

Therapeutic mouthwash

Therapeutic mouthwash is highly sorted out because they offer a host of benefits. Besides making your breath fresh, they can address tooth decay, mouth pain, gum disease, dry mouth, and many more. Some therapeutic mouthwash contains active ingredients that can potentially whiten the teeth.

Unlike cosmetic mouthwash that is found in malls and supermarkets and can be bought without a prescription, some therapeutic mouthwash requires a prescription from an orthodontist or dentist before it can be purchased.

How to use mouthwash

To get the most out of mouthwash, you have to use it the right way. Be sure to follow the instructions that come with the mouthwash you purchased.

Below are the instructions that come with most mouthwash on the market.

Brush your teeth

Brush your teeth thoroughly to remove food remains and bacteria. Next, floss your teeth.

Wait for a while before using the mouthwash, especially if you are using fluoride toothpaste.

Figuring out the right amount

See, you don’t need to pour lots of mouthwash into your mouth to eliminate bad breath. A single cup ( 3 to 5 teaspoons) of the oral rinse is enough to address your oral issue. Since all mouthwash isn’t made the same, you must follow the instructions that came with yours.

Pour into your mouth

Pour the cup of mouthwash into your mouth and whirl around. Be careful while doing this so that you don’t swallow it. Keep in mind that mouthwash contains a high amount of alcohol (18% to 25%).

Swish it around and gargle for a while (30 seconds).

Spit it out

All you have to do here is to spit out the mouthwash.

When is the best time to use mouthwash?

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to using mouthwash. So you can use it daily after brushing your teeth or when you have bad breath. Mouthwash may also come in handy when you have oral health issues like gum disease.

Precautions when using mouthwash

As previously mentioned, mouthwash contains high amounts of alcohol and other ingredients. While these ingredients aren’t poisonous, health experts do not recommend drinking mouthwash. This is why mouthwash isn’t recommended to kids below the age of 5.

If you have an open sore in your mouth, you should speak to your dentist before using mouthwash. You see, the sores could be a symptom of a health condition. And when the mouthwash comes in contact with the sore it may do more harm than good.

Final note

Mouthwash is an excellent oral product that can help prevent bad breath and address some oral health conditions. Mouthwash is by no means a substitute for flossing and brushing. To get the most from your mouthwash, you should use it after brushing your teeth.

If you have an oral condition, mouthwash alone may not be able to address it. Consult your dentist to narrow down the root cause of the problem.