Three Ways to Overcome Your Dental Fear

Three Ways to Overcome Your Dental Fear

One of the most crucial components of our general health is our oral health. Dentist phobia is possibly just as widespread. This widespread fear can be triggered by a wide range of emotions. It covers your dental health as well as any unfavorable dental experiences...
Genetics and Oral Health

Genetics and Oral Health

How many of you have pondered how much of your dental health is determined by your genes? Our parents and grandparents passed on features like height, eye color, hair, and freckles to us. But, those aren’t the only things they leave us. We can also pass on an...
Five Tips to Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Clean and Healthy

Five Tips to Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Clean and Healthy

Many dog owners overlook the importance of oral hygiene when it comes to keeping their dogs healthy. Did you know the majority of dogs show signs of canine periodontal disease by the age of three years? And one early sign is that they have foul breath. It is the most...