Everyone deserves to have healthy and bright teeth. And, most of us also want perfect teeth. If you start to notice that your teeth don’t look right, you need some tips to help save your teeth.

Teeth are strong, but these also don’t last forever. In time, you may experience problems with your teeth. This includes building up cavities, having gum disease, and decaying teeth. What is worse is that if these damages affect your teeth, it may lead up to losing your teeth.

In this article, we’ll walk you through many ways to save your teeth by following some tips.

Causes and symptoms of a tooth decay

Tooth decay can happen to anyone. If you have a loose tooth, you are seeking advice on how to save it. The good news is that there are plenty of options available to help you save your teeth.

Before we start into the details of how to save a loose tooth, let’s take a look at why it happens in the first place.

Tooth decay happens when your tooth enamel is destroyed. The enamel is the hard, outer layer of your teeth. Bacteria in your mouth can produce acids that attack your enamel, causing cavities. This is when the bacteria residing in your mouth releases acid, which then affects your tooth. Then, when the bacteria set in, it forms a plaque, which is a residue that forms on the gaps of your teeth. Plaque forms whenever you eat or drink anything besides water.

These are some factors that may increase your risk of having tooth decay, including:

  • Not regularly brushing or flossing your teeth
  • Eating a lot of high sugar-content drinks and meals
  • Does not get regular dental appointments
  • Smoking

So, acids made by bacteria, and those contents found in food and drink are some of the causes of tooth decay. Tooth decay produces holes in the outer layer of our teeth called cavities. This can be very painful, especially when cavities reach the inner layers of our teeth.

If you’re experiencing some discomfort, you need to consider consulting your dentist. In this way, you will know how to keep your teeth healthy and minimize having a toothache. Also, your dentist may identify any other problems that might be existing on your teeth.

Common options to fix your decaying teeth

Tooth decay is among the common problems both in adults and children. But this can be prevented or minimized its effects on your teeth if you practice good oral hygiene. The following can help you prevent tooth decay:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice daily with the right toothpaste.
  • Make sure to floss once a day to get the plaque in between your teeth.
  • Eat a healthy diet that limits sugary and starchy foods, including juices and soft drinks.
  • Visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and professional cleanings.

Can I save my teeth from decaying?

Tooth decay is one of the common chronic conditions. When you’re a child, losing a baby tooth can still be replaced. But, as you age and become an adult, you will have developed permanent teeth. But, it’s also common in adults.

But with these risks, how can you know if your tooth can still be saved from losing? Well, you don’t have to panic. Often, teeth can become loose because of existing gum disease or teeth injuries. But before you think about pulling it out yourself, it’s important to find out if it can be saved.

Tooth decay occurs when bacteria in your mouth make acids that eat away at a tooth’s surface, called enamel. Tooth decay can cause pain, infection, and even tooth loss if left untreated.

This is why it is recommended that you also have a healthy diet on what you eat. Importantly, you need to practice good oral hygiene to help prevent any tooth decay.

Apart from that, you need to have regular dental visits. Visit your dentist regularly to detect tooth decay as early as possible.

Best practices to save your teeth

As a best practice, prevention is better than any cure. That is why any tooth decay can be prevented if you limit your diet from eating foods with sugar and starch. These substances are broken down into acid by the bacteria on your teeth.

A good time to brush your teeth is after eating foods with sugar or starch. If you can’t brush after meals, chew sugarless gum to help protect your teeth from acid. Then gargle your mouth with water. For pregnant women, it is advised to have a healthy diet, too. This can be perceived that their infant may develop cavities with what the mother intakes.

Sometimes, teeth can’t be saved because of decay or infection. If this is the case for you, you could consider dentures or other replacements such as implants.

No matter what you choose, it’s important to make sure that you maintain good oral health after your teeth have been treated or replaced.

So in all these, you need to have good dental hygiene and a healthy diet. From brushing twice daily and flossing, these actions and steps may help remove plaque. Before it gets untreated, tooth decay may be irreversible.

Save your smile and restore your teeth

Practicing good oral hygiene is a key part of preventing tooth decay in both adults and children.

But, for individuals who have damaged teeth, one step to restore your teeth is through dental implants. Talk to your dentist if there is a need to have your teeth for implants or restoration procedures. This is also an opportunity for the dentist to educate you about good dental care habits. More so, your dentist can offer tips to help protect teeth from further decay.

At ES Toothbrush, we offer the best toothbrushes and flossing products to keep your teeth safe. It’s better to prevent any harm to your teeth before it gets worse. Now is the time to find the right toothbrush to keep your teeth away from cavities.