Healthy gums are pink and firm to the touch. Darkening or blackening of your gums might be completely harmless or cause concern. On the other hand, you could be suffering from a medical issue. To be sure, you’ll need a diagnosis from your dentist or doctor. Then, if needed, you can start treatment.

What do healthy gums look like?

It’s critical to understand what healthy gums look like if you want to avoid gum disease. Dentists explain how to distinguish between healthy and sick gums based on their appearance. Gums that are healthy feel firm to the touch and can’t be moved about with your finger.

They also have a good grip on your teeth. Gums that are unhealthy might look and feel swollen, and they are more flexible than healthy gums. They are frequently touch-sensitive and fragile. They may begin to pull away from your teeth as well.

Healthy gums can range in color from pale pink to dark brown or black, and most people have pink gums. People with darker skin tones, as one might imagine, have more gum disease. Gums that are bright red, white, or extremely black may indicate that you have gum disease.

In some cases, darker-colored gums can suggest the presence of illness. It’s recommended to get your gums looked out if they’ve changed color. Brushing or flossing healthy gums does not cause bleeding. You may notice that your gums bleed when you brush and floss your teeth. This may be a sign of gum disease.

What does the term “tooth discoloration” mean?

Tooth discoloration occurs when the color of your teeth changes. They’re not as bright or white as they should be. Your teeth may darken, change color, or develop white or black patches.

A variety of reasons can lead to tooth discoloration

In young children whose teeth are still growing, a fall can disturb enamel formation. Trauma to adult teeth might cause them to become discolored. Some people have enamel that is naturally brighter or thicker than the enamel of others.

As you get older, your teeth’s outer coating of enamel peels away, revealing the natural color of dentin.

A multitude of illnesses that damage enamel might produce tooth discoloration. Teeth color might also be affected by treatments for specific disorders.

Brushing, flossing, and rinsing are insufficient to remove plaque and stain-causing chemicals.

Tooth discoloration can be caused by tobacco usage, whether smoking or chewing.

Coffee, tea, colas, wines, and various fruits and vegetables can discolor your teeth.

Teeth might seem gray-black due to certain dental materials.

It can happen as a result of excessive fluoride exposure or because people use too much of it.

What causes the blackening of your gums?

Gum disease can be caused by several conditions, including:

Problems with oral hygiene

Black gums are a direct result of poor oral hygiene or neglect. The gums can easily be irritated by plaque and tartar buildup near the gingival sulcus. If tartar is not removed during deep dental cleaning, irritation spreads to the gingival tissue as a whole.

The condition could worsen and lead to periodontitis if you don’t act promptly.

Factors that are passed down through generations or are unique to a particular species

Among the non-pathological causes, we have hereditary characteristics as well as species-specific factors. Melanin is overproduced in people with dark skin. This is also present in the gums, causing pigmentation to change and making them appear darker.

Melanin is a pigment that is found in the skin

Melanin is a pigment generated by the body that gives skin, hair, and eyes their color. The more melanin in a person’s body, the darker their hair, complexion, or eyes are. Increased melanin levels in a person’s body can cause dark brown or black gums. If a person’s gums have always been dark, there’s no need to be concerned.

However, if the gum color changes rapidly or there are regions of black on the gums, it is unlikely to be due to melanin and could indicate a medical condition.

A mixture of tattoos

Amalgam tattoos can appear anywhere in the mouth, although they are most prevalent near a filling. It appears as a black, grey, or blue patch inside the mouth. Amalgam, which is a combination of metals, is used in fillings and crowns.

This material’s granules may become dislodged and emerge under the gum skin. Amalgam tattoos don’t usually need to be treated because they don’t pose any health risks.

Tobacco use

Smoking can lead to gum discoloration. This condition is known as smoker’s melanosis. Melanin is produced by melanocytes, which are specialized cells in the body. Nicotine in tobacco stimulates melanocytes to produce more melanin than usual.

Gums may turn a darker shade of brown or black. The color of the inside of the mouth might change in patches or all at once.

Dark-colored teeth gums

The first sign of teething in children is black gums. In reality, the growing redness and swelling of the gums signal the emergence of teeth. As a result, black gums in infants are fairly common and should not be a cause for alarm.

The gingival tissue will return to its usual pink tone at the end of the teething phase. As one might expect, black gums can be caused by a variety of factors. It’s usually a good idea to see your dentist if you see a change in the color of your teeth with your own eyes.

Gums that are black during pregnancy

Because it increases the tendency for the formation of bacteria and plaque, the gums may appear black during pregnancy. You can avoid the occurrence of black gums during pregnancy by scheduling a deep oral hygiene session and carefully maintaining everyday oral hygiene.

Addison’s disease is a condition that affects the adrenal glands

The adrenal glands, which produce a range of hormones, are affected by Addison’s disease. Due to the disease, these glands are unable to produce adequate hormones.

Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome


It is a hereditary disorder that raises the risk of polyps and cancer. The emergence of dark blue or dark brown freckles is one of the early indications. These can appear in the mouth, on the skin of the fingers and toes, or the skin of the fingers and toes.

Peutz-Jeghers freckles usually emerge in childhood and go away as you become older. Bleeding or blockage in the intestines is another common symptom, which commonly happens in children.

Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis

Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, often known as trench mouth, is a gum infection. It causes a fever, sore gums, and stinky breath. If a layer of dead tissue develops over the gums, an infection can cause black or gray gums.

Trench mouth is caused by the fast proliferation of germs in the mouth, which is most commonly caused by gingivitis. Bacteria can accumulate as a result of poor dental hygiene, stress, lack of sleep, or a bad diet. Bleeding gums, poor breath, a lot of saliva in the mouth, and feeling ill are all early signs of trench mouth.

On the gums at the tooth’s edge, ulcers might occur. The procedure for treatment is simple. The mouth will be cleaned by a dentist, who may also prescribe antibiotics. Keep your teeth and gums clean to avoid getting a new infection over and over again.

Oral hygiene issues

Black gums are a direct outcome of poor oral hygiene or neglect. The gums can easily be irritated by plaque and tartar buildup near the gingival sulcus. If you don’t act quickly, the problem could worsen and lead to periodontitis.


Minocycline is a drug that is used to treat acne and certain diseases like chlamydia. Pigmentation or coloring, which can sometimes appear in the mouth, is an uncommon side effect of minocycline. If a person’s skin discolors as a result of medicine, they should consult their doctor, as there may be other options.

Bottom Line

Brushing teeth twice a day, flossing once a day, and avoiding sweets can help people maintain good dental hygiene. These steps should also be taken for routine dental checkups. The best approach to maintaining teeth and gums healthily is to practice regular oral hygiene.

Brushing one’s teeth and gums with a soft-bristle toothbrush daily may also be beneficial. A lot of pharmacies and online stores sell toothbrushes, dental floss, and mouthwash, which are all good for your teeth and gums.