Being a new mom brings joy to your world. New moms spend time with the little ones and find it lovely, but motherhood is also tiring, and no one prepares you for the sleepless nights. 

New moms are busy adjusting to the new routine. It feels that life is upside down! So, amidst all this, you may start neglecting your oral health

However, taking care of your oral health is vital, and you must start focusing more on it during pregnancy

Read on for more information. 

Importance of Oral Health for New Moms 

 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests pregnant women take care of oral health during pregnancy as there are chances of developing cavities and periodontal diseases. In addition, taking care of oral health for pregnant women can help prevent cavities in young children. So, oral health is vital for mothers. 

So, if you are a new mom, an expecting mom, or a mom for many years, it’s wise to take care of your oral health. Brush your teeth twice daily for two minutes. 

During pregnancy, talk to your dentist about your oral health. 

According to the National Library of Medicine, pregnancy can increase the chance of oral diseases. During pregnancy, women have hormonal changes, and they also change their diet at this time and face physiological changes. 

So, moms need to be mindful of oral health from the beginning.

Important Oral Care Tips for New Moms 

When you are new in this journey, it’s easy to let go of yourself. Taking showers, oral care, and taking care of yourself may seem challenging, but it must be your priority. 

Photo by Ron Lach 

Consider the following: 

Give Time to Yourself 

Having a new addition to the family is excellent, but it doesn’t mean you forget yourself. You must carve time from the daily routine to care for yourself. 

Every day, do something that makes you happy! Take care of your oral health. Check your teeth and gums thoroughly. If there is bleeding in the gums or a sign of gingivitis, talk to your dentist about it. 

Get The Best Toothpaste 

Ask your dentist to suggest you some of the best oral care products! You can ask what type of toothpaste is suitable during pregnancy and after giving birth. If you plan on nursing your child, ask for safe toothpaste for mothers and infants. 

It’s always a good idea to ask your dentist for suggestions as they have the best source of information. 

If you have sensitive gums, your dentist can suggest what’s best for you and your oral health!

Consider Flossing 

If you haven’t considered flossing before, now is the time to think about it! Add it to your routine if you haven’t already. 

It’s best if you can start flossing during pregnancy. First, you need to clean your teeth thoroughly. Flossing is on top of that to make your teeth extra clean. You don’t want to leave food particles behind! 

You can also look into water floss if you don’t like using string floss. 

Do what works for you, and ask your dentist to guide you in the right direction! 

Get The Best Toothbrush 

If you are not a fan of plastic toothbrushes, you can look into bamboo toothbrushes, as you would be replacing the toothbrush every three months. 

Your dentist may also suggest an electric toothbrush so see what works for you! 

It’s always best to ask, as your oral health matters, especially when you are a mom. 

Maintain Healthy Lifestyle 

It’s vital for moms, whether first-time or moms of many kids, to maintain a healthy lifestyle. While it’s easy to take care of the kids, taking care of yourself can be challenging. 

Instead of indulging in leftovers from your kids, plan a healthy meal suitable for your oral health. 

Make sure you follow an overall healthy lifestyle, which includes sleeping on time and taking great care of yourself. 

Book An Appointment with A Dentist 

If you haven’t visited the dentist after childbirth, it’s time to book an appointment as soon as possible! 

Your dentist can examine your oral health and suggest what’s best for you! 

If you have cavities, get them filled. Treat such issues as fast as possible to avoid pain and trouble in the future. 

Ask for Help 

Last but not least is to ask for help. Yes, you heard that right. Giving birth to a child is miraculous but challenging and can affect your overall health.

If you feel low or find it hard to manage parenthood, ask for help. Let your spouse, parents, and friends know that you need support during this time. Discuss what you feel during this time with your healthcare provider. 

Don’t take yourself and your feelings lightly; ask for help if everything is overwhelming. 


Is it okay to neglect oral health when you are a new mom? 

No, neglecting your oral health when you are a first-time mom or a mom of two, three, four, or even more kids is not okay! Your oral health matters and you will find it hard to manage daily activities if there is pain or cavities. So, always focus on your oral health! 

Why is oral health important for new moms? 

Many reasons make oral health important for new moms. Poor oral hygiene can affect confidence, cause pain and cavities, and gum diseases. At any stage of their life, moms must maintain their oral hygiene. So, talk to your dentist and book an appointment to check your oral health. 

Wrapping It Up 

Being a first-time mom is wonderful, but becoming a new mom doesn’t mean neglecting your oral health. In fact, you must start caring for your oral health during pregnancy. If you are cautious from the beginning, it can be easy to follow afterward. Carve time for yourself, even with a baby, and ask your dentist to suggest a suitable toothpaste. Start slow, but make sure you take great of yourself and your oral health. Also, eat a healthy diet